Saturday, June 25, 2011

No guts, no glory

A commander should never lie to his subordinates and always do what is in the best interest of his (or her) men. Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of being under such a commander. The other day I found out some disturbing news.

My unit, which deployed to Iraq earlier this year for a twelve month tour, is slated to leave in early 2012. We have been doing nothing in Iraq of great importance and we were actually detached from our parent brigade to serve under another for the first part of deployment (then they got rid of us and sent us to another brigade that still wasn't our parent unit.) Anywho, I found out we were on schedule to redeploy an astonishing FIVE months early, in August of this year, after leaving Iraq to sit in Kuwait for a few weeks right

However, my commander, in all his great wisdom (and yes we did volunteer, there was no order forming for months for this, because the unit we replaced was surprised as we all were, not to mention the fact that the whole deal from receipt of the mission to end of movement took 8 days), volunteered us for a shitty mission in a crappy part of the country, and got two guys killed within five days of being here.

If I had the option of chasing glory in Iraq or going home five months early from a pointless deployment in a pointless war, I would go home. Glory isn't worth the cost of another American.


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